private lessons

You can learn a lot watching Music with Myles, but honestly, there’s only so much information I can fit into those videos. Whether you're pursuing music in a professional capacity, or you're just a hobbyist wanting to go a little deeper, there’s no substitute for 1-on-1 sessions with an experienced teacher. Thanks to the internet, I have students all over the world, and I'd be happy to work with you no matter where you live, and no matter how far along you are on your musical journey. All you need is some kind of mic and this free voice-chat program called Discord (webcam optional).

What are the lessons like?

The lessons can be whatever you want them to be! I do all sorts of different stuff with different students. We'll spend some time during the first session discussing your personal goals/interests and devising a plan together. If you have questions in mind or specific things you'd like to learn, you can let me know and we'll be sure to cover them. Feel free to ask about anything and everything (theory, composition, arranging, ear training, production, programming, stage rigs, touring considerations, audition prep, content creation, music business, etc, etc.). I also love workshopping / giving feedback on original compositions and/or productions. You can send me files (audio and/or notation of any kind) and we'll get into it.

And if you aren’t sure what you even need to learn, that’s great too! Helping people navigate this vast world is an important part of my job.

For the most interested students, I do a comprehensive long-term program. We figure out exactly where the current knowledge gaps are, and then go back and fill everything in, making sure you have a rock-solid foundation. From there, we progress systematically as I essentially pass on to you everything I understand about music, all the way up. Lessons include a combination of textbook readings, analysis, discussion, and guided exercises. After each session, I send PDFs of the relevant material, along with additional practice exercises. This all takes time to unfold, of course, but it’s ultimately a college-level musical education if you stick with it 🤙

How much do they cost / how long are they?

I most commonly do 90 minute sessions for $100 USD each, either weekly or bi-weekly. But other durations/frequencies are cool too, including one-offs. Knowing that everyone has different needs/goals/budgets, I'm flexible on everything – just let me know whatever you're looking for and I’ll do my best to work with ya :-)

if you'd like to schedule a session (or have any questions), message me on Discord (mylesyang) or Instagram