who tf is myles

Hey. I'm Myles. I'm pretty into music. I'm so into it that I went to Berklee College of Music, where I studied composition and the theory of classical, jazz, and popular song. Just after graduating in 2015, I landed a record deal with a band of mine and spent a couple years driving back and forth across North America playing original music for lovely strangers.

During that time, I started teaching music theory and composition privately. As it turned out, my students seemed to be getting a lot out of my ideas on how music works and what causes things to sound good to humans. Eventually, I realized I could be communicating some of these things to a larger audience.

Enter: Music with Myles — a YouTube channel dedicated to making sense of the wide world of music.

My passion for spreading an understanding of stuff-that-sounds-good is rivaled only by my passion for composing said stuff myself [also super smash bros]. If you're interested, check out the Soundcloud player embedded on this page.

Inquiries: contact me